• 科研项目


发布日期:2021-02-03    浏览次数:




起止年月:2019年01月至 2022年12月


1. 中文摘要:




Decision making under uncertainty is a fundamental human behavior. The underlying neurocognitive mechanisms of decision making have been recognized as an important question in scientific research, and the corresponding findings has been applied to the fields of politics, economics and individual mental health. By employing the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) together with the recently developed stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG) and computational modeling, the overall goal of our proposed project is to identify the core brain circuits and oscillations underlying the avoidance motivation in decision making, especially two key neural circuits: theamygdala - orbital prefrontal cortex (OFC) ”circuit and the “ventral  striatum - OFC ”circuit, and to establish a loss-aversion dominance hypothesis of decision making under uncertainty. We expect that the findings of the proposed projects will provide scientific evidence to enhance individual ability to cope with decisions under uncertainty, as well as the intervention and treatment of decision-making deficits in mental disorders. The proposed research is expected to have at least one landmark achievements with international reputation, and more than four top level publications in high-profile journals. The principal investigator and the team members have published 88 journal articles (SCI) in recent 5 years, including high-profile journals like Brain, The Journal of Neuroscience, NeuroImage and Human Brain Mapping. The collaboration platform equipped with large-scale neuroscienctific equipment will also guarantee the success of this project.

Keywords: decision making; risk; uncertainty; human brain imaging measurement and intervention technology; loss aversion