• 科研项目


发布日期:2021-02-02    浏览次数:




起止年月2016年01月 至 2020年12月






The adverse effects of stress on the brain and cognition have been recognized as one of the major risk factors of human health and disease. Understanding the neurocircuitry and its plastisticity of these effects has taken a great significance on the promotion of mental health. The overall goal of our proposed project is to identify core brain circuits, systems, and networks underlying adverse effects of stress on emotion and memory, as well as neurogenetics of individual differences in these effects and their plasticity. That is, to reveal the neural plasticity of the two key circuits: the" amygdala-ventromedial prefrontal (vmPFC) "circuit and the" hippocampus - vmPFC " circuit in anxiety and memory impairments under stress, and to establish the characteristic changes of the whole brain atlas in the emotional and memory brain network under stress. Outcomes of the proposed projects will provide crucial scientific basis to enhance individual's ability to deal with stress, intervention and treatment of stress-related mental disorders and health. The proposed research is expected to achieve at least 2 landmark achievements with international visibility, and publish more than 20 high-level papers in high-profile journals. The research team consists of by six outstanding young researchers. The principal investigator (PI) has been awarded the "Outstanding Youth" project and the National key project of the NSFC. The team members has published over one hundred journal articles (SCI) in recent 5 years, including high-profile journals like Science, Nature Neuroscience, PNAS, Biological Psychiatry and The Journal of Neuroscience. The collaboration platform equipped with large-scale neuroscienctific equipment will also provide a strong guarantee in terms of academic, team, technology and research platform.

Keywords: emotion; memory; stress; brain mechanism; neuroimaging