² 儿童青少年情绪与社会认知发展
² 情绪记忆和情绪调节的认知神经机制
² 情绪障碍的机制、预测及早期干预
² 脑成像技术(磁共振成像、近红外成像、经颅电刺激)
2011.9 ~ 2016.1 博士
导师:Prof. André Aleman院士
2008.9 ~ 2011.7 硕士
导师: 黄宇霞 副教授
2004.9 ~ 2008.7 学士
² 主持项目1:基于多模态数据对抑郁症自杀倾向的预测研究 2018.1~2020.12
² 主持项目2:基于静息态和风险决策预测个体自杀倾向的神经机制研究2017.1~2018.12
² 参与项目1:焦虑与执行功能的动态交互脑网络研究 2020.1~2024.12
² 参与项目2:抑郁症患者对社会反馈的期待、体验及情绪调节 2020.1~2023.12
² 参与项目3:损失规避支配假说的提出与验证 2019.1~2022.12
² 参与项目4:荷兰抑郁症和焦虑症研究(NESDA) 2011.9~2015.12
资助:荷兰健康研究和发展组织(Zon-Mw, grant no.10-000-1002)
² 参与项目5:情绪刺激加工的注意偏向研究 2009.1~2011.12
² 参与项目6:注意加工和情绪调节的脑机制研究 2008.9~2011.7
2020.1 ~ 至今 副研究员
深圳大学 脑疾病与认知科学研究中心
2019.5 ~ 2019.12 助理教授
深圳大学 脑疾病与认知科学研究中心
2020 年度 深圳市海外高层次人才C类
2016 ~ 2019年度 广东省“珠江人才计划”海外博士后人才
1. J. Xu, N. Van Dam, C. Feng, Y. Luo, H. Ai#, R. Gu#, P. Xu# (2019) Anxious brain networks: a coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of resting-state functional connectivity studies in anxiety. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 96, 21-30. #Corresponding author
2. H. Ai, E. M. Opmeer, D. J. Veltman, N. J. A. van der Wee, M. A. van Buchem, A. Aleman and MJ. van Tol (2015) Brain Activation During Emotional Memory Processing Associated with Subsequent Course of Depression. Neuropsychopharmacology, 40, 2454–2463.
3. H. Ai, E. M. Opmeer, JBC. Marsman, D. J. Veltman, N. J.A. van der Wee, A. Aleman, MJ. van Tol (2020) Longitudinal functional brain changes in MDD during emotional memory encoding: effects of depressive state and load. Psychological Medicine, on line.
4. L. Zhang*, H. Ai*, E. M. Opmeer, JBC. Marsman, L. van der Meer, H. G. Ruhé, A. Aleman, MJ. van Tol (2020) Distinct temporal brain dynamics in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia during emotion regulation Psychological Medicine, 50, 413-421. *Co-first author
5. L.Duan, N. T. Van Dam, H. Ai#, P. Xu# (2020) Intrinsic organization of cortical networks predicts state anxiety: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study. Translational Psychiatry, on line. #Corresponding author
6. H. Ai, MJ. van Tol, JBC. Marsman, D. J. Veltman, H. G. Ruhé, N.J.A. van der Wee, E. M. Opmeer, A. Aleman (2018) Differential relations of suicidality in depression to brain activation during emotional and executive processing.Journal of Psychiatric Research, 150, 78-85
7. H. Ai*, Y. Xin*, Y. Luo, R. Gu, P. Xu. (2019) Volume of motor area predicts motor impulsivity. European Journal of Neuroscience, 1-7. *Co-first author
8. H. Ai*, J. Li*, Y. Zhang, X. Ma, T. Yuan, P. Xu (2020) Methamphetamine impairs social conformity during risk decision making. Human Behaviour and Brain. 1(5): 74-77, *Co-first author
9. D. Zhang, Y. Liu, L. Wang, H. Ai#, Y. Luo (2017) Mechanisms for attentional modulation by threatening emotions of fear, anger, and disgust. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavior Neuroscience, 17, 198-210. #Corresponding author
10. Z. Wang, K.S. Goerlich, H. Ai, A. Aleman, Y. Luo, P. Xu (2021) Connectome-Based Predictive Modeling of Individual Anxiety. Cerebral Cortex.
11. Y. Huang, L. Bai, H. Ai, W. Li, C. Yu, J. Liu,Y. Luo (2009) Influence of trait-anxiety on inhibition function: Evidence from ERPs study. Neuroscience Letters, 456.
12. 艾卉,周慧,黄宇霞 (2015) 情绪的跨文化普遍性与差异性——对教育实践的启示。全球教育展望,44, 104-113.
1. 艾卉 等(2016)第七章第一节:情绪的跨文化普遍性与差异性,见周加仙 等著,《教育神经科学视野中的循证教育决策与实践》,北京:教育科学出版社
2. 英文专著:H. Ai(2015)Functional Neuroimaging of State, Course, and Symptom Specificity in Affective Psychopathology. The Netherlands:University of Groningen. ISBN:978-90-367-8417-7 (发行本);ISBN: 978-90-367-8416-0(电子版)
3. 译作:艾卉,徐鹏飞,罗跃嘉 译(2019)《注意的认知神经科学(认知神经科学前沿译丛)》(“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目),杭州:浙江教育出版社
4. 译作:艾卉 等译(2014)《学生知识百科》,“心理学”章节,北京:金城出版社 ISBN:978-75-155-0712-5
² 《发展心理学》
² 《中小学生行为障碍》
² 《情绪障碍患者的情绪和神经调控机制》,第七届全国脑电与脑成像研究与应用研讨会,2020年11月
² 《抑郁症的情绪记忆加工机制》,2016年10月,东南大学(心理系学生讲座)
² Functional neuroimaging predictors of prolonged course in depression. Dutch Psychiatric Association Spring Conference (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie Voorjaar Congres), April, 2015. Maastricht, The Netherlands. 荷兰精神卫生组织年会大会报告
1. H. Ai, Y. Xin, Y. Luo, R. Gu, P. Xu. Volume of motor area predicts motor impulsivity. The 25th Annual Meeting for human brain mapping, June, 2019. Rome, Italy.
2. H. Ai, L. Zhang, E. M. Opmeer, JBC. Marsman, L. van der Meer, H. G. Ruhé, A. Aleman, MJ van Tol. Temporal profile of brain activation during emotion regulation in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The 21th Annual Meeting for human brain mapping, June, 2015. Hawaii, United States of America.
3. H. Ai, E. M. Opmeer, D. J. Veltman, N. van der Wee, M. van Buchem, A. Aleman, MJ van Tol. Brain activation during emotional memory processing as predictor of course in depression. The 20th Annual Meeting for human brain mapping, June, 2014. Hamburg, Germany.
4. H. Ai, E. M. Opmeer, JBC. Marsman, MJ van Tol, S. Woudstra, N. van der Wee, M. van Buchem, D. Veltman, A. Aleman. Neural Correlates of Recovery from Depression: A Longitudinal Study to memory of Emotional Words. The 19th Annual Meeting for human brain mapping, June, 2013. Seattle, United States of America.
5. H. Ai, E.M. Opmeer, JBC. Marsman, MJ van Tol, S. Woudstra, N. van der Wee, M. van Buchem, D. Veltman, A. Aleman. A longitudinal fMRI study to the neural changes related to recovery from major depressive disorder. International Neuropsychological Society mid-year meeting, July, 2013. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
6. H. Ai, E. M. Opmeer, JBC. Marsman, MJ van Tol, S. Woudstra, N. van der Wee, M. van Buchem, D. Veltman, A. Aleman. Neural Predictors of Depressive Symptom improvement. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June, 2012. Beijing, China.
7. H. Ai, E. M. Opmeer, MJ van Tol, JBC. Marsman, R. Kortekaas, S. Woudstra, N. van der Wee, M. van Buchem, D. Veltman, A. Aleman. Brain activity during emotional memory as predictor of recovery from depression. The 6th biennial conference of International Society of Affective Disorders, April, 2012. London, United Kingdom.
8. H. Ai, Y. Huang. Emotion Suppression and Cognitive Flexibility: an fMRI study. The 17th Annual Meeting for human brain mapping, June, 2011. Quebec, Canada.
² Organization for Human Brain Mapping
² International Society of Affective Disorders
² International Neuropsychological Society
² 中国认知科学学会神经与精神影像专委会委员
² 广东省认知科学学会理事
² 广东省神经科学学会理事
² Psychological Medicine
² British Journal of Psychiatry
² Cognitive, Affective, & Behavior Neuroscience
² Frontiers in Neuroscience
² 心理学报